Positive Discipline
At St. John’s Academy Shawnigan Lake (SJASL), we aim to create a happy, caring, and safe environment where students feel they are valued, have a purpose, and a strong sense of belonging. We encourage our students to make good choices throughout the school day, and we believe that structures, routines, firmness, kindness and follow-through are key.
The structures, routines, and follow-through that adults maintain in our school create the regularity and predictability our students need to know they are safe. We can do this without shaming, blaming or humiliating anyone. Our teachers are KIND and FIRM at the same time. Positive discipline enables us to be a caring community that makes the world a better place on a daily basis.
Criteria for Effective Positive Education at SJASL
1. It helps children feel a sense of connection (belonging and significance)
2. It is mutually respectful and encouraging (kind and firm at the same time.)
3. It is effective long-term (it encourages students to take responsibility for their choices and to develop the ability to self- regulate.)
4. It teaches valuable social and life skills for good character (core values).
5. It invites children to discover how capable they are and to use their power constructively.
Solutions: Instead of focusing on blame, we focus on solutions.
Although our approach to misbehavior is proactive in nature (teaching the skills necessary to effectively deal with emotions and conflict), issues will naturally still arise. As such, we have created an SJASL Best Practice Discipline Policy to ensure staff, parents, and students are aware of potential consequences for inappropriate behavior for all students at the school during the academic day and in the dorms (both on and off campus).